How To Train Dachshund Puppy

Are you a proud owner of a Dachshund puppy? If so, then this article is just for you! Discovering effective methods to train your adorable Dachshund is essential for creating a happy and well-behaved pet. From understanding the unique traits of the Dachshund breed to implementing effective training techniques, we will guide you through the process step by step. Say goodbye to those chewing mishaps and potty training accidents – with our helpful tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to raising a confident and obedient Dachshund companion.

Understanding the Dachshund Breed

Dachshunds are a unique breed known for their elongated bodies and short legs. They typically weigh between 16 to 32 pounds, and their height usually falls between 8 to 9 inches at the shoulder. Their distinctive physical characteristics make them easily recognizable and beloved by many. Despite their small size, Dachshunds are courageous and tenacious, which stems from their originally developed hunting instincts. They were bred to hunt badgers, rabbits, and other small animals, which explains their determination and fearlessness.

In terms of temperament and behavior, Dachshunds are known for being loyal and affectionate towards their owners. They are often described as being spirited and entertaining. Dachshunds are intelligent dogs but can also exhibit stubbornness, which may present challenges during training. However, with the right approach and techniques, you can cultivate a well-behaved and obedient Dachshund.

When it comes to health issues, Dachshunds are prone to certain conditions due to their unique body structure. One common health issue in this breed is intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) due to their long spines. IVDD occurs when the discs between the vertebrae rupture or herniate, potentially leading to pain, paralysis, and even death in severe cases. Dachshunds are also susceptible to obesity, dental problems, and joint issues such as hip dysplasia. Regular veterinary check-ups and a healthy diet can help prevent and manage these health concerns effectively.

Preparation for Training

Before beginning the training process, it is essential to set achievable goals. Start with basic commands and gradually progress to more advanced ones. Setting realistic expectations will help you and your Dachshund stay motivated throughout the training journey.

Creating a suitable training environment is crucial for effective training sessions. Find a quiet and distraction-free space where you and your Dachshund can focus without interruptions. Removing any potential distractions, such as toys or other pets, will help maintain your Dachshund’s focus on you during training.

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Gathering the necessary training supplies is another crucial step in preparation. Invest in a sturdy leash and collar, plenty of training treats, and interactive toys. These tools will make your training sessions more structured and enjoyable for both you and your Dachshund.

Basic Commands

Teaching basic commands is an essential part of any training regimen. Start with the ‘Sit’ command, which is a fundamental obedience cue. Hold a treat close to your Dachshund’s nose and slowly move it upward, causing their head to tilt back while sitting naturally. As your Dachshund sits, praise and reward them with the treat. Repeat this process until your Dachshund can sit reliably on command.

The ‘Stay’ command is another crucial command that ensures your Dachshund remains in one place until given further instruction. Start by asking your Dachshund to sit, then extend your hand, palm facing towards them, and firmly say ‘Stay.’ Take a step back, and if your Dachshund stays in place, return to them, praise, and reward them with a treat. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the ‘Stay’ command over time.

Introducing the ‘Come’ command is important for recall and to ensure your Dachshund returns to you promptly. Begin by attaching a long leash to your Dachshund’s collar and allowing them to explore a safe and enclosed space. Once they are focused on something interesting, call their name followed by the command ‘Come.’ Gently tug on the leash to guide them towards you, and when they reach you, praise and reward them.

House Training

Establishing a routine is crucial for successful house training. Dachshunds thrive on consistency, so create a schedule for feeding, potty breaks, and playtime. Take your Dachshund outside to their designated potty area immediately after waking up, after meals, and before bedtime. By following a consistent routine, you will help them understand when and where to relieve themselves.

Use positive reinforcement to reward your Dachshund for appropriate bathroom behavior. When they eliminate in the desired location, praise them enthusiastically and offer a small treat. This positive association will motivate them to repeat this behavior in the future.

To prevent accidents, supervise your Dachshund closely indoors and restrict their access to areas where accidents are more likely to occur. If you catch your Dachshund in the act of eliminating in an inappropriate area, interrupt them with a clap or a firm “no,” and immediately take them outside to their designated potty area. Always remember to reward them when they eliminate in the appropriate place.

Leash Training

Introducing the leash to your Dachshund should be done gradually and positively. Start by allowing your Dachshund to sniff and investigate the leash while offering praise and treats. Once they are comfortable with the leash, attach it to their collar and allow them to drag it around under your supervision. This helps them become accustomed to the sensation of wearing a leash.

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Teaching loose leash walking is essential for enjoyable walks with your Dachshund. Begin by standing still and letting your Dachshund approach the end of the leash. When they stop pulling and the leash becomes loose, reward them with praise and a treat. Repeat this process, gradually increasing the distance you walk without any pulling. consistency and patience are key when teaching this command.

If your Dachshund has a tendency to pull on the leash, it is essential to address this behavior. When they start pulling, immediately stop walking, stand still, and wait until they release tension on the leash. Once they relax and the leash becomes loose, resume walking and reward them for their cooperation.


Socialization plays a crucial role in shaping your Dachshund’s behavior and ensuring they are confident and well-adjusted in various environments. Expose your Dachshund to different environments such as parks, streets, and indoor spaces. This exposure will help them become familiar with different sights, sounds, and smells, reducing the likelihood of fear or anxiety in new situations.

Introducing your Dachshund to various people and animals is equally important. Arrange controlled and positive interactions with well-behaved dogs of different sizes and breeds. Similarly, allow your Dachshund to meet new people, both adults and children, in a calm and controlled manner. Encourage positive exchanges by rewarding good behavior with praise and treats.

Crate Training

Choosing the right crate is essential for successful crate training. Ensure the crate is appropriately sized, providing enough room for your Dachshund to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Opt for a crate with a secure door and proper ventilation to ensure your Dachshund’s safety and comfort.

Making the crate comfortable is crucial in promoting a positive association with crate training. Place comfortable bedding, toys, and treats inside the crate to entice your Dachshund to enter willingly. Gradually increase the amount of time your Dachshund spends in the crate, starting with short intervals and gradually building up to longer durations.

Teaching your Dachshund to love the crate involves positive reinforcement. Always reward them with treats, praise, and attention when they voluntarily enter the crate. Avoid using the crate as a form of punishment to prevent any negative associations with the space.

Discouraging Nipping and Chewing

Understanding the reasons behind nipping and chewing is crucial in addressing and redirecting this behavior. Dachshunds, like many breeds, may nip or chew due to teething, boredom, or anxiety. By understanding the underlying cause, you can tailor your approach to discourage this behavior effectively.

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Redirecting their behavior is essential when your Dachshund begins nipping or chewing inappropriately. Offer them appropriate chew toys and objects to redirect their attention and satisfy their chewing needs. Engage in interactive play sessions to provide mental stimulation and avoid situations that may trigger nipping or chewing.

Providing appropriate chew toys is vital to prevent destructive chewing. Choose toys specifically designed for teething puppies or small breeds. Avoid giving them old shoes or household items, as this can confuse your Dachshund, making it difficult for them to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate chewing.

Obedience Training

Teaching advanced commands builds on the foundation of basic commands and promotes further mental stimulation for your Dachshund. Commands such as ‘Stay,’ ‘Leave it,’ and ‘Drop it’ are valuable for reinforcing obedience and ensuring your Dachshund’s safety.

Positive reinforcement techniques are highly effective in teaching obedience commands. Use rewards such as treats, praise, and playtime to motivate and encourage your Dachshund’s cooperation. Consistency in training methods and clear communication will help your Dachshund understand and respond to commands reliably.

Consistency and patience are vital throughout the obedience training process. Dachshunds may exhibit moments of stubbornness or reluctance, but with the right approach, positive reinforcement, and patience, you can shape their behavior and encourage obedience.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Addressing separation anxiety is crucial for the well-being of your Dachshund and preventing destructive behavior. Gradually expose your Dachshund to short periods of alone time, increasing the duration gradually. Provide a safe and comfortable space, such as a crate or designated area, and consider using calming techniques such as background noise or interactive toys to alleviate separation anxiety.

Dealing with stubbornness requires patience and consistency in training. Clearly communicate your expectations through commands, praise, and rewards. Avoid using harsh or punitive methods, as they can damage the trust and relationship between you and your Dachshund.

Overcoming fear or aggression can be challenging, and seeking professional guidance may be beneficial. Gradual desensitization and counterconditioning techniques can help your Dachshund build positive associations with previously fearful or aggressive situations. Consult a qualified trainer or behaviorist for guidance and support in addressing these issues effectively.

In conclusion, understanding the Dachshund breed, preparing for training, and utilizing effective techniques will help you shape a well-behaved and happy Dachshund. By focusing on positive reinforcement, consistency, and creating a supportive learning environment, you can build a strong bond with your Dachshund while helping them develop good behavior and obedience. Remember to be patient, understanding, and always prioritize your Dachshund’s well-being throughout the training process.