Can Dachshunds Be Left Alone

Imagine coming home to a wagging tail, wet kisses, and a loyal companion after a long day at work. Sounds delightful, right? But what if you’re considering getting a dachshund, and you’re wondering whether they can handle being left alone? Well, fret not, because in this article, we will explore the independence level of dachshunds and shed light on whether these adorable little pups can handle some alone time.

Understanding the Dachshund Breed

Dachshunds, also known as sausage dogs or wiener dogs, are a unique breed known for their elongated bodies and short legs. Originally bred in Germany, they were used for hunting badgers due to their excellent scenting and digging abilities. Today, they have become popular companions and family pets around the world.

Origins and History

The Dachshund, with its long and fascinating history, can be traced back to the 15th century in Germany. The breed was developed by crossing various small hunting dogs in order to create a versatile and resilient hunting companion. Their unique physical characteristics, such as their elongated bodies and short legs, were specifically bred for their ability to chase prey into tight burrows. Over the years, Dachshunds have transitioned from being solely working dogs to beloved family pets.

Physical Characteristics

One of the most distinctive features of the Dachshund is its long body, which is well-muscled and supported by short, sturdy legs. They come in three different coat types: smooth, wire-haired, and long-haired. Their coats can vary in color, including red, black and tan, chocolate and tan, and more. Dachshunds have expressive, almond-shaped eyes and long, droopy ears that give them an adorable and endearing appearance. Their compact size makes them convenient for households of all sizes.

Temperament and Personality

Dachshunds are known for their lively and affectionate personalities. Despite their small size, they possess a strong and confident demeanor. They are often described as loyal, brave, and sometimes even stubborn. They form deep bonds with their human families and adore spending quality time with them. Dachshunds are also known for their alertness and tendency to be vocal, making them great watchdogs. However, their protective nature can sometimes lead to separation anxiety when left alone.

Dachshunds and Separation Anxiety

Defining Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety in dogs refers to a condition where a dog experiences excessive fear or distress when separated from their owners or left alone. It is important to distinguish between normal temporary feelings of discomfort when left alone and true separation anxiety. While most dogs may exhibit some mild signs of distress when left alone, separation anxiety in Dachshunds and other breeds can manifest in more extreme behaviors.

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Common Behavioral Signs of Separation Anxiety in Dachshunds

Dachshunds with separation anxiety may display various behavioral signs when left alone. These can include excessive barking or howling, destructive chewing, house soiling, pacing, attempts to escape, and even self-harm. Some dachshunds may also exhibit signs of anxiety leading up to the departure, such as trembling, salivating, or following their owners relentlessly. It is essential to recognize and address these behaviors to make both the dog and the owner’s life more peaceful.

Factors Contributing to Separation Anxiety in Dachshunds

Several factors may contribute to separation anxiety in Dachshunds. Firstly, their breed’s strong bond with their owners may make them more prone to anxiety when left alone. Additionally, early life experiences, such as being abandoned or experiencing traumatic events, can increase the likelihood of separation anxiety. Lack of socialization, changes in the household, and insufficient mental stimulation may also play a role. Understanding these factors can help owners take the necessary steps to alleviate their dachshund’s separation anxiety.

Assessing Dachshund’s Ability to Be Left Alone

Age and Maturity Level

The age and maturity level of a dachshund play a significant role in their ability to handle being left alone. Puppies, especially those under six months old, have a higher likelihood of experiencing separation anxiety as they are still developing their independence. Adult dachshunds who are properly trained and socialized from a young age tend to have an easier time adjusting to being alone for reasonable periods.

Previous Experience and Training

The past experiences and training of a dachshund can greatly influence their ability to be left alone. Dogs that have been gradually exposed to being left alone for short periods during puppyhood are more likely to develop the skills necessary to handle longer absences. Obedience training and positive reinforcement techniques can also help build a dachshund’s confidence and independence, reducing the likelihood of separation anxiety.

Health and Physical Factors

Dachshunds, like any other breed, may have certain health or physical factors that can impact their ability to be left alone. For example, dachshunds with medical conditions that require frequent bathroom breaks may struggle with being left alone for extended periods. Additionally, older dachshunds may be more prone to anxiety due to age-related changes in their cognitive abilities. It is crucial to consider these factors when assessing a dachshund’s ability to be left alone.

Tips for Leaving Your Dachshund Alone

Gradual Training and Desensitization

If your dachshund shows signs of separation anxiety, it is essential to start slow and gradually train them to be more comfortable when left alone. Begin by leaving them alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration over time. Make sure to use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats or toys, to create a positive association with being alone. By desensitizing your dachshund to your departures, you can help them adapt to being alone more easily.

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Creating a Comfortable Environment

Providing a comfortable and secure environment for your dachshund when you’re away can help alleviate their anxiety. Consider creating a designated area where they feel safe, such as a crate or a cozy corner with their bed and toys. Leave them with familiar scents, such as an unwashed T-shirt, to provide comfort in your absence. Additionally, playing calming music or leaving a TV or radio on can provide a soothing background noise.

Engaging in Mental Stimulation

Dachshunds are intelligent dogs with a lot of energy, and mental stimulation is crucial for their well-being. Leaving stimulating toys or puzzle games can help keep their minds occupied and prevent boredom or frustration. Interactive toys that dispense treats or require problem-solving can be especially helpful in diverting their attention from your absence. Mental stimulation can tire out their active minds and make them feel more content while you’re away.

Providing Appropriate Exercise

Regular exercise is vital for a dachshund’s physical and mental well-being. Before leaving your dachshund alone, ensure they have received adequate exercise to help burn off excess energy. Taking them for a brisk walk or engaging in playtime will tire them out and promote relaxation when you’re away. A tired dachshund is less likely to exhibit destructive behaviors and will be more content while waiting for your return.

Utilizing Enrichment Tools and Toys

Interactive Toys

Interactive toys, such as puzzle toys or hide-and-seek games, can provide mental stimulation for your dachshund while they are alone. These toys require problem-solving skills or provide a challenge to access treats or rewards. By engaging their minds, interactive toys can help distract your dachshund from their anxiety and keep them entertained during your absence.

Puzzle Feeders

Puzzle feeders are another excellent tool for keeping your dachshund mentally stimulated and occupied. These feeders encourage your dog to work for their food by releasing small portions at a time or requiring them to manipulate the feeder to access their meal. Using puzzle feeders not only provides a mealtime challenge but also helps slow down fast eaters, reducing the risk of digestive issues and providing an engaging activity while you’re away.

Treat-Dispensing Toys

Treat-dispensing toys are a great option for keeping your dachshund entertained and rewarded when alone. These toys can be filled with small treats or kibble, which is gradually released as the dog interacts with the toy. The process of figuring out how to retrieve the treats from the toy keeps your dachshund engaged and focused, making the time alone more enjoyable for them.

Comforting Toys and Blankets

To provide additional comfort and reassurance, consider leaving comforting toys or blankets with your dachshund. These can be items that have your scent on them or toys that your dachshund particularly enjoys. The familiar scents and textures can provide a sense of security and help ease their anxiety while you’re away.

Considerations for Longer Periods of Time Alone

Hiring a Dog Sitter or Walker

If you anticipate leaving your dachshund alone for an extended period, it may be beneficial to hire a dog sitter or walker. A professional dog sitter can provide companionship and ensure your dachshund’s needs are met while you’re away. Regular walks and interaction with a trusted individual can help alleviate separation anxiety and keep your dachshund happy and well-exercised.

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Doggy Daycare

Another option for longer periods of time alone is enrolling your dachshund in doggy daycare. Doggy daycare facilities provide a safe and supervised environment for dogs to socialize and play while their owners are at work or away for the day. This can be highly beneficial for dachshunds with separation anxiety, as it allows them to interact with other dogs and receive continuous attention in a secure setting.

Creating Structured Daily Routine

Establishing a structured daily routine for your dachshund can help them feel secure and reduce anxiety when left alone. Consistency in meal times, walk schedules, playtime, and rest periods can provide your dachshund with a sense of predictability and stability. By incorporating regular exercise and mental stimulation into their routine, you can help alleviate separation anxiety and foster a sense of calm.

Utilizing Pet Cameras and Monitors

To ease your own worries and keep an eye on your dachshund while you’re away, consider investing in pet cameras or monitors. These devices allow you to check in on your dachshund remotely, providing you with peace of mind and the ability to respond if any distressing behavior is observed. It is important to note, however, that while these devices can be helpful tools, they should not replace proper training, mental stimulation, and social interaction.

Recognizing the Signs of Distress

Excessive Barking or Whining

One of the most common signs of distress in dachshunds when left alone is excessive barking or whining. If your dachshund is constantly vocalizing when you’re away, it may be a sign of separation anxiety. This behavior is their way of expressing their discomfort and trying to seek attention or reassurance.

Destructive Chewing

Dachshunds with separation anxiety may resort to destructive chewing as a coping mechanism. They may chew on furniture, shoes, or other household items in an attempt to alleviate their anxiety. If you notice evidence of chewed belongings, it is crucial to address the underlying anxiety and provide appropriate outlets for chewing, such as designated chew toys.

House Soiling

Another sign of distress in dachshunds is house soiling. In extreme cases of separation anxiety, where the dog becomes extremely anxious or panicked, they may have accidents in the house even if they are otherwise well-trained. This can be a distressing experience for both the dog and the owner, highlighting the importance of addressing the underlying separation anxiety.

Changes in Appetite or Sleeping Patterns

Separation anxiety can also affect a dachshund’s appetite and sleeping patterns. Some dogs may lose their appetite or refuse to eat when left alone, while others may exhibit excessive sleepiness or restlessness. Disrupted eating and sleeping habits can be indications of stress and anxiety, requiring attention and possible intervention.

Seeking Professional Help

Consulting with a Veterinarian

If your dachshund’s separation anxiety is severe or persists despite your efforts, it may be beneficial to consult with a veterinarian. A veterinarian can help rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be contributing to the anxiety and provide guidance on appropriate management and treatment options. They may also recommend behavioral modifications or medications to help alleviate your dachshund’s distress.

Working with a Professional Dog Trainer or Behaviorist

In more challenging cases of separation anxiety, it may be helpful to work with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. These experts have the knowledge and experience to design a customized training plan tailored to your dachshund’s specific needs. They can guide you in implementing positive reinforcement techniques, behavior modification strategies, and create a supportive environment for your dachshund to overcome their separation anxiety.


Understanding the dachshund breed and their susceptibility to separation anxiety is crucial for providing a safe and happy environment for your furry friend. By recognizing the signs of separation anxiety, assessing your dachshund’s ability to be left alone, and implementing appropriate strategies, you can help alleviate their distress and strengthen the bond between you. With patience, consistency, and professional guidance when necessary, you can ensure that your dachshund feels secure, loved, and content even when you’re not able to be by their side.