How Expensive Is A Dachshund

If you’ve ever wondered about the cost of owning a lovable Dachshund, look no further. In this article, we’ll explore the financial aspects of adding a Dachshund to your family. From initial purchase prices to ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, and healthcare, we’ll break down the overall cost of owning and caring for this adorable breed. So, whether you’re considering bringing home a Dachshund or simply curious about the investment involved, read on to discover just how expensive owning a Dachshund can be.

Initial Cost

Dachshund Price Range

When considering getting a Dachshund, it’s important to understand the initial cost you can expect. The price of a Dachshund can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the type of Dachshund (Miniature, Standard, or Toy), the breeder’s reputation, the dog’s pedigree, and the geographic location. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between $500 to $2000 for a Dachshund puppy from a reputable breeder. Keep in mind that prices on the higher end typically correspond to Dachshunds with impressive pedigrees or show-quality dogs.

Breeder vs. Rescue Adoption

Another consideration when it comes to the initial cost of getting a Dachshund is whether to adopt from a breeder or choose a rescue dog. While purchasing a Dachshund from a reputable breeder may be more expensive initially, it often provides you with more knowledge about the dog’s lineage, health history, and temperament. On the other hand, adopting a Dachshund from a rescue organization can be more affordable and gives a loving home to a dog in need. Adoption fees can range anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the organization and any additional services provided.

Medical Expenses

Routine Vet Care

Taking care of your Dachshund’s health is a crucial part of responsible pet ownership. Routine vet care, including annual check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive medications, is essential to keeping your Dachshund in good health. The cost of routine vet care can vary depending on your location and the specific services required. On average, you can expect to spend between $200 to $400 per year on routine vet care for your Dachshund.


Vaccinations are an important part of maintaining your Dachshund’s health and protecting them from common diseases. The cost of vaccinations can vary depending on your location and the specific vaccines required. Generally, you can expect to spend around $50 to $100 per year on vaccinations for your Dachshund.


Spaying or neutering your Dachshund is an essential decision in preventing unwanted litters and certain health issues. The cost of spaying or neutering can vary depending on your location and the gender of your dog. On average, you can expect to spend between $100 to $300 for this procedure.


Microchipping your Dachshund is a simple and effective way to ensure their identification and increase the chances of a safe return if they ever get lost. The cost of microchipping can vary, but generally falls between $50 to $100.

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Dental Care

Dental health is often overlooked but plays a crucial role in your Dachshund’s overall well-being. Regular dental care, including cleanings and possible extractions, can help prevent dental diseases and maintain good oral hygiene. Dental care costs can vary depending on the specific procedures required, but on average, you can expect to spend approximately $200 to $500 per year on dental care for your Dachshund.

Health Insurance

Consider investing in health insurance for your Dachshund to help mitigate the financial burden of unexpected medical expenses. The cost of health insurance can vary depending on factors such as your Dachshund’s age, breed, and coverage options. On average, you can expect to pay between $30 to $50 per month for health insurance for your Dachshund. While it may seem like an additional expense, health insurance can provide peace of mind and potentially save you significant costs in the long run.

Food and Supplies

Quality Dog Food

Feeding your Dachshund a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being. The cost of dog food can vary depending on the brand, ingredients, and serving size for your Dachshund. On average, you can expect to spend between $20 to $60 per month on high-quality dog food for your Dachshund.


Treats are a great way to reward and train your Dachshund, but it’s important to choose healthy options that complement their diet. Treat costs can vary depending on the specific brand and ingredients. On average, you can expect to spend between $10 to $30 per month on treats for your Dachshund.

Food and Water Bowls

Investing in sturdy and easily cleanable food and water bowls is essential for your Dachshund’s feeding routine. The cost of food and water bowls can vary depending on the material and design. On average, you can expect to spend around $10 to $30 for a set of quality food and water bowls.

Leash and Collar

A leash and collar are essential for taking your Dachshund on walks and ensuring their safety. The cost of a leash and collar can vary depending on the material, durability, and design. On average, you can expect to spend between $10 to $30 for a leash and collar.

Dog Bed

Providing your Dachshund with a comfortable and supportive dog bed is important for their rest and overall well-being. Dog bed costs can vary depending on the size, material, and quality. On average, you can expect to spend between $20 to $100 for a suitable dog bed.


Toys are not only great entertainment for your Dachshund but also help stimulate their mental and physical well-being. The cost of toys can vary depending on the type, durability, and brand. On average, you can expect to spend around $10 to $50 on toys for your Dachshund.

Grooming Supplies

Regular grooming is essential to keep your Dachshund’s coat healthy and clean. Grooming supplies, including brushes, combs, shampoos, and conditioners, are necessary for maintaining their coat. The cost of grooming supplies can vary depending on the quality and specific products chosen. On average, you can expect to spend between $20 to $50 on grooming supplies for your Dachshund.

Training and Behavior

Puppy Training Classes

Enrolling your Dachshund in puppy training classes can help lay the foundation for good behavior and socialization. The cost of puppy training classes can vary depending on the duration, location, and expertise of the trainer. On average, you can expect to spend between $100 to $300 for a set of puppy training classes.

Obedience Training

Obedience training is important for teaching your Dachshund basic commands and ensuring they are well-behaved in different situations. The cost of obedience training can vary depending on the duration and expertise of the trainer. On average, you can expect to spend between $100 to $500 for obedience training.

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Behavioral Consultations

If your Dachshund is exhibiting specific behavioral issues, seeking the help of a professional behaviorist or trainer may be necessary. The cost of behavioral consultations can vary depending on the expertise and qualifications of the professional. On average, you can expect to spend between $200 to $500 for behavioral consultations.

Grooming and Maintenance

Brushing and Bathing

Regular brushing and bathing are important to keep your Dachshund’s coat clean and free from mats or tangles. The cost of brushing and bathing can vary depending on whether you choose to do it yourself or take your Dachshund to a professional groomer. If you decide to go to a groomer, the cost can range between $30 to $100 per visit, depending on the groomer’s rates and the condition of your Dachshund’s coat.

Nail Trimming

Keeping your Dachshund’s nails trimmed is essential to prevent discomfort and potential injuries. The cost of nail trimming can vary depending on whether you do it yourself or take your Dachshund to a professional groomer or veterinarian. Professional nail trims can range between $10 to $30 per visit.

Ear Cleaning

Regular ear cleaning helps prevent ear infections and keeps your Dachshund’s ears healthy. The cost of ear cleaning can vary depending on whether you do it yourself or take your Dachshund to a professional groomer or veterinarian. Professional ear cleanings can range between $10 to $30 per visit.

Anal Gland Expression

Dachshunds, like many other dog breeds, may require their anal glands to be expressed regularly to prevent discomfort or infection. The cost of anal gland expression can vary depending on whether you do it yourself or take your Dachshund to a professional groomer or veterinarian. Professional expression can range between $10 to $30 per visit.

Exercise and Entertainment

Daily Walks

Regular exercise is vital for keeping your Dachshund physically and mentally stimulated. Daily walks are an excellent form of exercise and provide an opportunity for your Dachshund to explore their surroundings. Walking your Dachshund is generally free, but be prepared to invest time, effort, and suitable walking gear, such as a comfortable harness.

Playtime and Exercise

In addition to daily walks, playtime and exercise help keep your Dachshund engaged and prevent boredom. Playing games like fetch or providing puzzle toys can provide mental stimulation and physical exercise for your Dachshund. The cost of playtime and exercise activities can vary depending on the specific toys or equipment you choose, but on average, you can expect to spend between $10 to $50 on interactive toys or agility equipment for your Dachshund.

Dog Parks

Visiting dog parks can offer your Dachshund opportunities to socialize with other dogs and enjoy off-leash playtime. Many dog parks are free to access, while others may require a small fee for admission. Be sure to research and choose dog parks that are safe and well-maintained.

Doggy Daycare

Doggy daycare can be a great option for busy pet owners who want to provide their Dachshund with supervised play and socialization while they’re away. The cost of doggy daycare can vary depending on the location, services offered, and duration of the stay. On average, you can expect to spend between $20 to $40 per day for doggy daycare services.

Doggy Daycare and Boarding

Daily Rates

In situations where you need to travel or be away for an extended period, doggy daycare and boarding facilities are available to ensure your Dachshund is well-cared for. The cost of daily daycare and boarding rates can vary depending on the facility, location, services offered, and the size of your Dachshund. On average, you can expect to spend between $20 to $50 per day for doggy daycare or boarding services.

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Additional Services

Some doggy daycare and boarding facilities may offer additional services such as grooming, training, or specialized accommodation. The cost of these additional services can vary depending on the facility and the specific services requested. Be sure to inquire about any extra fees and choose the services that best suit your Dachshund’s needs.

Travel and Transportation

Pet Carrier or Crate

When traveling with your Dachshund, it’s important to have a suitable pet carrier or crate that provides comfort and security. The cost of a pet carrier or crate can vary depending on the size, quality, and specific airline requirements if you plan to travel by air. On average, you can expect to spend between $30 to $100 for a pet carrier or crate.

Travel Expenses

Travel expenses, including transportation costs and accommodations, can vary greatly depending on the distance and mode of travel. Whether you’re taking a road trip or flying, it’s important to consider the costs associated with bringing your Dachshund along. Expenses such as pet-friendly accommodations, airline pet fees, or pet travel services should be factored into your travel budget.

Potential Health Issues

Back Problems

Dachshunds are prone to back problems due to their long bodies and short legs. Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a common condition in Dachshunds, which can lead to pain, mobility issues, and even paralysis. Treating back problems in Dachshunds can be costly, requiring medications, physical therapy, or even surgery.


Dachshunds are known to have a tendency to gain weight if not properly managed. Obesity can lead to various health issues, including joint and heart problems. Regular exercise, portion control, and a balanced diet are essential in preventing obesity and maintaining your Dachshund’s overall health.

Heart Conditions

Dachshunds, like other dog breeds, can be susceptible to certain heart conditions. Regular vet check-ups and monitoring can help identify any potential heart issues early on. Treatment for heart conditions can vary depending on the severity and may include medications and ongoing veterinary care.


Just like humans, Dachshunds can develop allergies to certain foods, environmental factors, or other allergens. Identifying and managing allergies often includes dietary changes, medications, and possible allergy testing, which can incur additional costs.

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

As mentioned earlier, Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a common condition found in Dachshunds due to their long bodies and short legs. IVDD occurs when the discs between the vertebrae of the spine degenerate or become herniated. Treatment for IVDD can range from conservative management, including medication and strict crate rest, to more invasive options such as surgery, which can be expensive.

Lifetime Expenses

Estimating Overall Cost

When considering the lifetime expenses of owning a Dachshund, it’s important to account for all the categories mentioned above. Each Dachshund is unique, and actual expenses may vary depending on factors such as your location, your Dachshund’s overall health, and individual needs. However, as a rough estimate, you can reasonably expect to spend between $15,000 to $30,000 or more over the course of your Dachshund’s lifetime.

Yearly Expenses

On an annual basis, the cost of owning a Dachshund can range between $1,000 to $2,000 or more, including routine vet care, vaccinations, grooming, food, and supplies. Additional expenses such as training or daycare can increase yearly costs.

Lifetime Expenses

Considering the average lifespan of a Dachshund, which is around 12 to 15 years, the lifetime expenses far exceed the initial purchase price. When factoring in all the costs mentioned above, the total lifetime expenses for a Dachshund can range between $15,000 to $30,000 or more.

Owning a Dachshund is a joyful and rewarding experience, but it’s essential to be prepared for the financial responsibility that comes with it. By understanding the potential costs and properly budgeting for your Dachshund’s needs, you can provide them with a happy and healthy life. Remember, the love and companionship you receive from your Dachshund is truly priceless, making them a cherished addition to your family.